Sunday, June 20, 2010


By Joseph Akinola
LIVE IT: Start your dream by Making It A Lifestyle
THINK IT: Always let it be Within The Reach Of Your Thought
DRINK IT: In anything you consume, Let Your Dream Conten Be Inclusive.
EAT IT: In all you say, Let It Reflect In It.

Influencing Your World

By Joseph Akinola
TO HAVE AN INFLUENCE TO A PARTICULAR THING MEANS, YOU HAVE GOTTEN A GRIP OF IT. And you know that no one will get a grip being empty.
It all begins with your personal Values.
Influence begins with your values and your values emerge from the things you value.
Influence begins with your vision. What's your vision for your world and the future generation?
Before you can influence your world, you need to influence your immediate environment.
Influence begins with your differences and your uniqueness. What are the things you do differently and that distinguish you from others, even by nature?
Influence has to do with what your passion is. Where does your passion lie?
Influencing your world is/means you are affecting your world with the virtues you carry.
The virtues you carry begins with what your passion and character is, also what you care so much about and what you value so much in your life and in people's life.
Influencing your world makes or automatically turns you to a Role Model to your world.
A man who had influenced his world would be and would always be recognized as a world changer.
To influence means to 'affect positively or negatively'.
To influence your world is to cause a change in your world positively, educationally, professionally, academically, socially or otherwise.
To influence your world means to infect and affect your world intentionally with the values you believe in, with the principles that had made you (the person you are now), with the knowledge that had transformed you.
Influencing your world doesn't just start from your world, it would start from your very self (your personal development, personal awareness, your personal growth), it would then radiate and extend to your immediate environment and from there, your environment will blow it up to the world at large.
Ingredients For Influencing Your World
1          Character
Your character speaks or says a lot about your personality. Your character is you in action. Character means steady. Your character is the repetition of your habits. Your character is deliberate, whether you know when you exhibit it or not.
2.         Integrity
This is you saying 'yes' and it is found to be 'yes'. Integrity is you saying yes and you are doing yes. Integrity is not compromising the standards given to you.
3.         Vision
Vision is very essential.
Before you can influence your world, vision is very necessary and important. Vision is critical to INFLUENCE. A man who would influence his world will be a man of discipline. Vision disciplines the vision carrier.
4.         Diligence
Diligence means 'Daily Commitment To What You Do'. Diligence causes Growth. Diligence causes Increase. Diligence causes you to Go Beyond the limit set for or against you or a barrier.
Diligence is committing yourself daily to what you do and this eventually graduates you into Skillfulness. Skillfulness announces you; it positions and projects you as an authority to your world; an authority in the sense that, you command results cheaply even in the terrible and trying moments in your field.


By Joseph Akinola
Your belief, knowledge, ability, capacity, capability, energy, degree, title, personality is worthless until you have converted it into action to generate a tangible result.

Often times, the simple answer to your / that problem is: Go to work; get on it, start doing something.

David Bly says, “Striving for Success without Hard Work Is like Trying to Harvest Where You Haven’t Planted”.

Note that what you believe, know and can do doesn’t amount to very much unless it causes you to wake up from your dream and start working.

You can’t just dream yourself into what you could be, but you can act yourself into it.

Don’t forget that the only time a lazy man / person ever succeed is when he tries to do nothing.

I have learnt this about life over the years that some people do things while others sit around becoming experts on how things might be done. The world is divided into people who do things, and people who talk about things. To which group do you belong? Answer yourself sincerely.

Belong to the first group, why? Because there is far less competition there.

Don’t forget, wishing has never made a poor man wealthy.

Robert Half says, “Laziness is the secret ingredient that grows into failure. But it is only kept a secret from the person who fails.”

Rising above mediocrity never just happens; it is always a result of faith/belief combined with works.

Belief without work / action is like gold within the earth and it is of no value until it is mined out.

One individual with faith/belief and action constitutes a majority in the world of achievement. Joseph O. Akinola

Don’t forget to always realize that it is not enough to know that you know but it is very important to show (by your action) that you know.


By Joseph Akinola
Success comes to the man who does today what others were thinking of doing tomorrow.
Wasting time wastes one’s life.

Miguel says “By the Street of by & by, One Arrives at the House of Never.”
When you won’t start, your difficulties won’t stop and the situation you are passing through won’t cease.

Tackle and face that problem/difficulty now, the longer you wait/allow it, the bigger it grows in your sight and in its size. The more you look at it, the more it gets magnified and defined both to your sight and in its size.

Note that the Cost of Growth is always less than the cost of Stagnation. Yes, you still come back to pay for it, I mean the price it carries at the present.

Get up and do something now, don’t be like some people who sit around waiting for their ship to come in, often times they found it in hardship.

Do something today, take that little step today and an accumulation of it becomes a great journey for you/to you.

Do those easy things today before it becomes hard.
Hard work is usually an accumulation of easy things that should have been done yesterday.

What you fail to do today will fail you tomorrow, when you dodge your responsibilities, you can not also dodge the consequences of dodging your responsibilities, and it will surely come and catch up with you.